Mobility/TOD Strategy
We combine our expertise in urban real estate, community planning, and deal making with the talents of our clients and collaborators to make great things possible. We create and carry out strategies in the following seven areas:
Development Advisory Services
Economic Development

our Work
Development Advisory Services
We help our clients conceptualize, plan, and implement visions for their real estate assets in order to create great places that enhance communities.
Market Analysis and Strategies
Developer Recruitment
Master Planning and Programming
Public-Private Partnership Negotiation
Financial Analysis
Downtown and District Development
Planning for downtowns, corridors, employment districts, waterfronts, and neighborhoods is an essential part of economic development, where a community's vision is developed, tested, and refined. Creating great places is essential for cities to attract and retain the people and businesses that give them their vitality. We help communities identify the catalysts that create place and we identify the public and private actions that are necessary for successful implementation.
Market Analysis and Strategies
Opportunity Site Analysis
Development Programming
Implementation Strategies
Funding Strategies
Economic Development
The best economic development plans are direct, measurable, and collaborative. We work together with our clients to uncover opportunities to accelerate investment through in-depth research and partnerships with business leaders and economic development stakeholders. We consider economic strengths, talent, land use, quality of place, and distinct assets. Our clients come away with a clear, short-term action plan to be carried out by its public and private partners. These actions often include quick wins and laying groundwork for a sustainable economy.
Economic Development Strategies
Industry Cluster Analyses
Regional Competitive Analyses
Implementation Plans
Key Performance Indicators (KPI)

Changes in consumer preferences and the country’s demographics now mean that housing can come in all kinds of shapes and sizes: urban lofts, row houses, live-work units, second homes, apartments, mixed-use developments, and the traditional single-family home. With all these innovations and new dimensions of housing, it’s imperative that public and private decision makers get the information they need to meet the fast-changing demand for a range of housing types.
Market Analysis
Development Programming
Downtown Housing Strategies
Development Feasibility Analysis
Financial Analysis
Mobility, Transit, and TOD
How we get around, where we live and work, and how the two interact are changing in ways unimaginable just a few years ago. From bikes and pedestrians to autonomous vehicles, BRT, and even the hyperloop, an exciting future that is sustainable, efficient, fast, and equitable lies before us. Leland Consulting Group is at the forefront of understanding how to prepare for this future by planning development that meets today's needs while being adaptable to an uncertain future.
TOD and Corridor Evaluation
Local Transit Funding Strategies
Market Analysis and Strategies
Developer Outreach
Land Use Planning
Real Estate Asset Strategies
Large public and private organizations often own hundreds, if not thousands, of individual properties, yet often lack a strategic plan that ensures that these assets support the organization’s core mission and goals. We work with public, private, and institutional organizations to analyze options and develop real estate strategies that enable them to create value, implement their core missions, attract and retain the best employees, and enhance the built environment.
Portfolio Evaluation and Optimization
Capital Investment Planning
Disposition Strategies
Leave vs. Own Analysis
Strategic Planning and Visioning
No other land use changes as frequently or quickly as retail. In just the past few decades, shopping has shifted from department stores, to malls, to discount power centers, to lifestyle centers, to the internet, and now in many cases back to downtowns and main streets. Retail will continue to be impacted by new technology at an ever-accelerating pace, leading to significant obsolescence and disruption. Leland Consulting Group analyzes national trends and local conditions to identify achievable development programs and action plans for downtowns, corridors, and mixed-use developments.
Market Analysis
Financial Analysis
Downtown Retail Strategies
Development Programming