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2024 Washington Governor's Smart Communities Award Winner: City of Anacortes


Congratulations to the City of Anacortes on receiving a 2024 Washington Governor’s Smart Communities Award in the Smart Housing Strategies category for their 2023 Housing Action Plan (HAP). As part of MAKERS’ multidisciplinary team, LCG led the economic and market analysis elements of the plan, including an evaluation of buildable residential land and future housing demand within Anacortes, informed by one-on-one interviews with local developers, landowners, and affordable housing advocates. Located outside the Seattle metro area, Anacortes has experienced significant housing pressures as it increasingly is a viable option for Seattle-area workers and retirees. With some success in developing missing middle housing, the plan identifies strategies to modify zoning codes to further remove barriers to development and explores potential implementation and funding strategies. As a mostly landlocked city, increasing the diversity of housing types is the only way it will meet the needs of existing and future residents. MAKERS and LCG are currently assisting the City with their Comprehensive Plan Update, which will incorporate many of the strategies developed during the HAP process.

Image credit: MAKERS and City of Anacortes



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